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IBPS Clerk 2019 Recruitment

IBPS is the responsible body for conducting the Clerical Examination ninth time in succession thus referring to it as IBPS Clerk CWE IX. Best IBPS Bank clerk coaching in Chandigarh is offered which enables the candidate to not only attempt the exam with confidence but also get selected for a great banking career. Exam shall be conducted online examination in two steps (The Preliminary and The Mains) for the next common recruitment of the personnel for the 12075 Clerical cadre positions in the various participating organizations for the period of (2019-2020). The notification of IBPS Clerical 2019 has been released on 12th September along with the dates of the exam and application. The online registration process shall begin on September 17th,2019. In accordance with the calendar IBPS Clerk, 2019 Prelims exam is scheduled on 07.12.2019, 08.12.2019, 14.12.2019 & 15.12.2019 and mains exam is scheduled on 25.01.2020. IBPS Clerk 2019 shall be another opportunity for any individual seeking to make a career in the banking sector and were unable to get through the SBI or other major banking examinations.

The total number of vacancies for IBPS Clerk 2019 has been released along with its official notification. This year IBPS has introduced 12,075 vacancies for IBPS Clerk 2019-20 Recruitment. The number of vacancies has been up from the last year, 2018-19 it was 7275.